4 minutes
September 25, 2024

Bridging the Skills Gap: Why Reskilling Learners with In-Demand Tech Skills is Essential for Today’s Workforce

Director of Partnerships

In today’s rapidly evolving economy, the demand for skilled talent in emerging tech fields is growing at an unprecedented pace. Companies across industries seek individuals with the skills needed to navigate an increasingly digital and data-driven world. Despite this demand, a significant gap exists between the skills employers seek and the tech talent available to fill those roles. As someone who works closely with higher education institutions and workforce development initiatives, I see firsthand the critical role reskilling plays in meeting this demand.

The Workforce Landscape: A Widening Skills Gap

According to recent labor market data, tech jobs are some of the fastest-growing roles in today’s economy. Jobs in software development, data analytics, UX/UI design, and digital marketing are all projected to experience strong growth over the next decade. For instance, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that employment in software development will grow by 25% from 2021 to 2031, a rate much faster than the average for all occupations.

However, as demand for these skills has surged, the availability of talent with the right qualifications has lagged. A study from the National Skills Coalition found that nearly 40% of job openings require a high level of digital skills, yet only 33% of workers feel confident in their ability to perform digital tasks. This gap between job requirements and worker skill sets is what I, and many others in the field, refer to as the "skills gap."

The implications of this gap are vast. In a 2023 report by Lightcast, 74% of employers reported difficulty finding candidates with the right digital and technical skills, with nearly half of those positions remaining open for months at a time. The consequences are not only felt by businesses but also by the communities they serve, as positions that offer economic mobility remain unfilled.

The Importance of Reskilling

Reskilling learners, particularly those in workforce development and continuing education programs, is essential to address the skills gap. These programs provide individuals—whether they are recent graduates, mid-career professionals, or displaced workers—with the opportunity to learn the in-demand skills employers need today.

For example, at Upright, we’ve seen significant interest from institutions and learners alike in our tech bootcamps, which focus on high-demand areas such as software development, data analytics, UX/UI design, and digital marketing. These programs are not only aligned with current labor market needs but are also designed to be accessible and flexible, allowing learners to acquire the necessary skills quickly and efficiently.

Why Reskilling Matters Now More Than Ever

In a post-pandemic world, workforce development has taken on new urgency. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of industries, which in turn increased the demand for tech talent. According to CompTIA’s 2023 Tech Jobs Report, tech job postings have consistently outpaced job-seeking activity, meaning there are simply not enough candidates to fill the roles being created.

Additionally, the nature of work itself has evolved. As businesses adopt more remote and hybrid work models, digital literacy has become a baseline requirement, even for roles that were traditionally less tech-focused. This shift has increased the need for reskilling across various sectors, from healthcare to finance and beyond.

In Ohio, where job postings for software developers surged by over 20% in the past year, there is a growing need for local institutions to offer programs that address this demand. Similarly, in Texas and Florida, where industries like healthcare, finance, and logistics are booming, reskilling in digital marketing, data analytics, and tech-related skills is crucial to keeping up with the evolving job market.

A Call to Action for Higher Education Institutions

Higher education and workforce development centers play a pivotal role in addressing the skills gap. By partnering with organizations like Upright, they can provide their learners with access to industry-relevant skills training that equips them for in-demand jobs. Offering tech bootcamps and other reskilling programs within these institutions enables learners to remain competitive in today’s job market while also supporting regional economic growth.

Institutions should focus on aligning their curriculum with current labor market data, ensuring that learners graduate with the skills employers are actively seeking. For example, the demand for data analysts is projected to grow by 23% over the next decade, yet many graduates of traditional programs are not equipped with the necessary technical skills in Python or SQL to compete for these roles. Bootcamps, like those offered by Upright, provide the hands-on, job-ready training learners need to bridge this gap.

Conclusion: Empowering Learners, Strengthening the Workforce

Reskilling learners with in-demand tech skills is not just a matter of career advancement; it is essential to closing the talent gap and ensuring economic vitality. As the Director of Partnerships at Upright, I have had the privilege of working with institutions across the country to develop and implement programs that respond directly to workforce needs. By prioritizing reskilling, we can empower learners, meet employer demand, and build a more resilient, skilled workforce.

As we look ahead, it’s clear that the future of work is digital, and the success of our communities depends on our ability to prepare individuals for that future. Now is the time for institutions and employers alike to invest in the reskilling of their workforce and close the gap that has long hindered economic growth.


Sarah MacDonald is the Director of Partnerships at Upright, a leader in tech bootcamp education. She works with higher education institutions and workforce development programs to provide learners with the skills needed to succeed in today’s rapidly changing job market.

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